Privacy Policy - Pubu Wear


Pubu Wear Privacy PolicyPubu Wear

Update date: 28 February 2022

Effective Date: 28 February 2022


From this date, this Privacy Policy may provide information about how we manage your personal information when you use Pubu Wear and any Pubu Wear related devices and services.

Please read the following terms carefully before using Pubu Wear products and services:

- Pubu Wear retains ownership and interpretation of the Pubu Wear Products and Services. By using this service or completing the registration process, you acknowledge or accept all of these terms.

- Users must provide authentic personal information. If the personal information provided is inaccurate, Pubu Wear is not responsible for any inaccurate data resulting from the analysis.


Special notices

The content of the service provided by Pubu Wear is only a tool to practice and understand your own constitution, which cannot be used for medical purposes. If you have any medical conditions, please consult a doctor. Pubu Wear is not responsible for any direct or indirect damages. Pubu Wear's service content is for general reference only and may not be suitable for certain users, in particular:


(1) People with a history of heart disease, stroke, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, asthma and other circulatory and respiratory conditions.

(2) Pubu Wear is not responsible for inadequate food intake, weight loss or gain, fainting, malnutrition or other consequences resulting from calorie consumption after wearing an Pubu Wear wristband or watch.

(3) Although the Pubu Wear wristband or watch can monitor heart rate, blood pressure, blood oxygen, sleep quality, athletic ability, etc., it cannot be used for medical purposes. Consult your doctor before starting any exercise or diet plan.

Pubu Wear believes that transparency is the key to any healthy relationship and we serve health wholeheartedly. We thank you for placing your trust in us.


The privacy practices for our devices, apps, software, websites, API, products and services are described here. You will learn what data we collect, how the data is used, what measures we provide to you to control your information and what security measures we take.




1. the information we collect 

In order to provide you with a better service, we need your personal information to provide the services we need. If you do not provide personal information, we may not be able to provide you with our products or services.

When you use our services, the following information is collected locally on your smartphone.


Personal data

This application deliberately transfers only a minimum of personal data. In particular, personal data such as your name, date of birth, e-mail address or health data is not stored externally. Such data is only stored on your local device. Only personal data that is technically indispensable for use and updates is transferred (see 1.3 Usage data). 


Handling of personal data

Personal data is used exclusively for the purpose of establishing the contract, defining its content, implementing or processing the contractual relationship (Art. 6 I S. 1 b DSGVO). 

Beyond this, personal data is only processed if we have received your consent to do so (Art. 6 I S. 1 a DSGVO) or if it is data whose processing is necessary for our legitimate interests and insofar as the balancing of interests shows that there are no overriding interests, fundamental rights or freedoms on your part (Art. 6 I S. 1 f DSGVO). 

We may use order processors to process your personal data, but we will not pass on the personal data to third parties beyond this as a matter of principle. Furthermore, we assure you that we will neither share your data nor store it externally. All data collected about you will only be stored locally in the app.


Usage data

When using our app, general technical information is collected during firmware updates of your watch. This is the IMEI used, the time, the firmware version of your paired watch and the watch ID. For technical reasons, this usage data is registered in a log file and can be used and stored for the purpose of evaluating the statistics of this app. This usage data is not linked with other data. The storage of this data for a firmware update as well as the log file takes place in the PRC.


Data recorded by the device

When you use Pubu Wear to sync data from related devices, we record personal information (birthday, height, weight, gender), activity information (steps, calories), sleep (sleep duration, sleep quality), heart rate (current heart rate, average heart rate), blood oxygen saturation (SpO2, current blood oxygen, blood oxygen range), temperature (maximum temperature, lowest temperature, average temperature), body weight, pace, exercise time. If you uninstall the app or change your device, this will result in the loss of the sport and health data.


Access permissions

When using iOS and Android, you will be explicitly prompted regarding consent to grant certain permissions, so you can decide directly here.

The aforementioned permissions are required for optimal functionality of the app. With the help of the permissions, for example, your training can be recorded and displayed in the app or notifications can be displayed on your watch. 

You can revoke these permissions at any time by deactivating the corresponding functions using your account settings, deactivating the corresponding functions of your mobile device altogether and/or only denying our app access to the corresponding function. You can also use our app without granting the above-mentioned access authorisations. However, this may affect its functionality.


Information on behavioral labelling

If you opt-in to behavioral tagging, Pubu Wear will collect activity information and heart rate data to provide you with the appropriate tagging feature for the Service.  


File information

When you connect our device, the device may upgrade the version. With your permission, the device upgrade file will be downloaded. When you set an image for your avatar, it will be cached in the app with your approval. This is all done locally in your smartphone's memory and is not sent to a server at any time.  


Information about incoming calls

When you connect our device and use the incoming call and SMS reminder function, Pubu Wear receives the incoming call, SMS, address book data and monitors the status of mobile phone calls. With your permission, the incoming call, SMS and address book data is used for wristband and watch display, but Pubu Wear does not store any data about your calls, SMS and address book.


Music control information

When you use the music control function, Pubu Wear collects the music information (song name, album name, singer, playback theme, song status) from your phone and synchronizes it with the device. This information is only displayed on the unit and is not stored.


Location Information

Location data is required to use some of the app's functions. The app uses this data, for example, to record and display the distance covered during a workout. You can revoke this permission at any time and are not required to share your location data.



Duration of storage

Pubu Wear stores your personal data after the termination of the purpose for which the data was collected only for as long as required by law (in particular tax law).



Information you submit when you use the relevant features:

You have set goals and heart rate reminders in Pubu Wear, and your self-completed exercise and weight goals and heart rate reminders are collected so that you receive a notification when you reach them. If you choose to use the female health feature, the number of days of menstruation based on your entries, the number of days between the start of two menstruations, the start date of the last menstruation, the start date of menstruation, the end date, physical condition and mood during menstruation submitted each time while using this feature are collected.


Album information

When using the album function, you can select an image from your album as an avatar or share it as a background image at the end of the exercise.


Sensor information

When you use the sensor, you can turn on the phone's indoor movement mode directly in Pubu Wear and view your exercise results.


Information provided by the third-party service

When you connect your account on the service to an account on another service, the app receives information from other services. When you connect to your Facebook or Google account, Pubu Wear receives information such as your name, profile photo, age range, language, email address and friends list. You can also authorize Pubu Wear to access your training or activity data from other services. You can also deny Pubu Wear access to other services and stop sharing information about other services.


2. the way we use information

We use the information we collect for the following purposes.


To calculate or record exercise and health results: We use personal body data or data recorded by the Device to calculate exercise and health results, which are used to display to you in the APP or on the Device: BMI, steps, exercise history, calories burned, heart rate data, sleep data, temperature data, weight data.


Physical condition analysis: Based on the personal body data you provide and the data recorded by the device, Pubu Wear provides you with the analysis related to your physical condition for reference. For example: to provide you with an ideal weight range for your reference.

To provide sports services: after the relevant device is synchronized with Pubu Wear, the data recorded in the device is synchronized with Pubu Wear and displayed to the user.

Location services: If you allow Pubu Wear to collect location information, Pubu Wear can record the movement location or record a movement roadmap or offer location-based weather services. 

To view incoming calls or text messages: When you receive an incoming call or SMS message, the incoming call or message data is displayed on some devices that support this feature.

To display music information: When you use the music control function, music information (song status, volume) is displayed on some devices that support this function.

To provide an alarm clock reminder function: Pubu Wear collects the alarm clock information on your mobile phone. When you turn on your alarm clock, you will be reminded in time by a vibration of the device.

Rotate wrist to take photos: You can control photo taking on your mobile phone through some devices that support this function. For this purpose, the device is paired with the phone via Bluetooth so that it can be used to control photography. During Bluetooth pairing, the device will request Bluetooth sharing on the phone.

To provide a function for female health: If you choose to use this feature, you can record and view menstruation-related information on some devices that support this feature or in Pubu Wear; we will predict your period and remind you based on the information entered.

To view sleep information: Pubu Wear uses personal body data and data recorded by the device to calculate and analyses your sleep quality, which may be displayed to you in Pubu Wear, including sleep time, sleep length and sleep quality.

To provide and maintain services: By using the data collected by the app, Pubu Wear can provide services to you and comply with the service contract with you. Pubu Wear needs to use your information to provide you with overviews to track your exercise and activities.


3. how is information shared? 

Except in the limited circumstances described below, Pubu Wear will not share your personal information.


Sharing with third parties

The "Pubu Wear" application provides the function to share the collected data with other partners, including your basic personal information (height, weight), health information (steps, exercise data, calories burned, blood oxygen, heart rate, blood pressure, sleep data), so that the partners can provide relevant services. Please read the privacy policy of the third-party software carefully before activating the corresponding services. Pubu Wear does not share user data with organizations or individuals unless specifically authorized by you. You can stop authorizing third-party services at any time.

Pubu Wear provides you with an open platform for cross-app health data. It can provide data sharing services with Apple Health or Google Fit with your authorization and provide richer data to third party services. In third-party apps that support Apple Health or Google Fit, you can sign in to your account and explicitly authorize third-party services to access your personal data in Apple Health or Google Fit. You can cancel the authorization in the third-party application.

Pubu Wear use and transfer of information received from Google APIs to any other app will adhere to Google API Services User Data Policy, including the Limited Use requirements.

Pubu Wear handles user data Our smart watch can record the user's activity data, such as steps, distance, calories, heart rate and sleep. When the user uses our APP to connect the watch, the APP will synchronize the watch's steps, heart rate, sleep and other data to the Pubu Wear app. At the same time, our users hope that the APP can synchronize data to the Google Fit APP. Our users use google login on the Pubu Wear app for OAuth authorization. We will apply ,, We just sync the step data from the Pubu Wear app product to the Google Fitness APP 

When the user turns on the google fit synchronization switch in the APP, the app will request authorization from the user. The APP will synchronize the user’s step count, heart rate, and sleep data to the user’s google fit. We will not read and store the user’s google fit. We only write data for the health data of, and users can view the data that we have synchronized in the past on their google fit.

4. your right to access and control your personal data

Google Fit (Google Inc.): Privacy Policy:


You can request information from us about whether we are processing personal data about you and, where this is the case, you have a right to access this personal data and to receive the further information referred to in Article 15 of the GDPR.


Right to rectification

You have the right to have inaccurate personal data relating to you corrected and may request that incomplete personal data be completed in accordance with Art. 16 DSGVO.


Right to erasure

You have the right to demand that we delete the personal data concerning you without delay. We are obliged to delete them immediately, in particular if one of the following reasons applies: 

- Your personal data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected or otherwise processed.

- You withdraw your consent on which the processing of your data was based and there is no other legal basis for the processing.

- Your data has been processed unlawfully.

The right to erasure does not exist insofar as your personal data is necessary for the assertion, exercise or defense of our legal claims.


Right to restriction of processing

You have the right to request us to restrict the processing of your personal data if 

- you dispute the accuracy of the data and we therefore verify the accuracy,

- the processing is unlawful and you object to the erasure and request the restriction of use instead

- we no longer need the data, but you need it to assert, exercise or defend legal claims,

- you have objected to the processing of your data and it has not yet been determined whether our legitimate reasons outweigh your reasons.


Right to data portability

You have the right to receive the personal data relating to you that you have provided to us in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and you have the right to transfer this data to another controller without hindrance from us, provided that the processing is based on consent or a contract and the processing is carried out by us with the aid of automated processes.


Right of withdrawal

If the processing of your personal data is based on consent, you have the right to revoke this consent at any time.


General and right of appeal

The exercise of your above rights is in principle free of charge for you. In the event of complaints, you have the right to contact the supervisory authority responsible for us, the State Data Protection Commissioner, directly. 

Google Maps (Google Inc.): need to access your location permission and collect your device information, network status and location information; provide you with location records and mapping services during your outdoor exercise; receive local weather information; Privacy Policy: 

Google Fit (Google Inc.): Privacy Policy:

Weather data (AccuWeather Inc.): need to access your location permission and collect your device information, network status and location information; provide you weather data from your actual location; Privacy Policy:

Data security

All data in our app is secured by technical and organizational measures against loss, destruction, access, modification and distribution. However, we do not accept any liability for the destruction or damage of data.

If you have any concerns about your data security, you can contact customer support.


5. changes to the policy 

Pubu Wear reserves the right to change its product and service policies. If we make material changes to this Privacy Policy, we will communicate this via mobile devices in the form of a push notification. We encourage you to periodically check this page for the latest information about our privacy practices.


6. contact information

If you have any questions, suggestions or doubts about this policy or our use of your data, as we have established a Personal Data Protection Officer, please contact us by email. We will respond to you within 15 working days with suggested edits or results.




To contact us regarding data protection, please feel free to use the contact options below. Data controller in terms of the GDPR: